Physical Education - Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact.
Intent: The intent of the Physical Education curriculum is for pupils to experience a wide variety of physically demanding activities and to be inspired to lead healthy and active lives. Our curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to become confident in sport and in other physically-demanding activities through the sequencing of our lessons throughout each key stage. We also embed many Christian values including fairness and respect. Pupils are able to improve their numeracy and literacy knowledge through their exposure to the depth and breadth of the curriculum which builds the technical skills of the pupils through individual, partner and group practice as well as building an appreciation to the different activities available to them.
Implementation: The Physical Education curriculum is delivered by subject specialists across three key stages which focuses on the progression of the pupils in their knowledge, understanding and skills developed in the activities taken. Collaborative curriculum planning is embedded into our department and in all key stages pupils are given the opportunities to take part in team and individual sports, gymnastics, dance, athletics and outdoor and adventurous activities. Pupils are assessed formatively throughout each unit of work so that pupils can reflect on their performance and understand the progression that they are making. In key stage 3 and 4, pupils are taught 3 periods of PE a week. One period as a class and two periods as a year group. In key stage 3 pupils build upon their knowledge and understanding of tactics and strategies, develop their technique and skills, practice their ability to analyse the performance of themselves and other performers and take part in competitive activities in and outside of school. Each term the pupils take part in ‘interhouse’ competitions to test themselves in a competitive environment against their peers. All pupils in key stage 3 are taught topics based around health related exercise. These lessons help develop the confidence and interest of pupils to get involved in exercise, sports and activities out of school and in later life, and understand and apply the long-term health benefits of physical activity. In key stage 4 pupils have the choice in which to study GCSE Physical Education which usually attracts 40% of each year group, to gain a Level 1 or 2 award in Sports Leadership or continue with Core PE which has a ‘Fitness’ and ‘Games’ pathway within it. In Year 10 the pupils are given an extra period of PE to facilitate the teaching of theoretical aspect of GCSE whilst all other pupils gain an extra practical lesson. In key stage 4 some pupils are given the opportunity to experience physical activities off site in the form of gym visits and other experiences such as outdoor adventure centres and boxing gyms. In key stage 5 pupils are given the opportunity to study A Level Physical Education and to gain a Level 3 qualification in Sports Leadership. There are competitive and recreational opportunities in the form of Football, Netball, Athletics, Basketball and Dance. The school prides itself on the opportunities and successes of its extra-curricular activities which include competitions at borough, district, county and national level. In addition to these competitive opportunities, the PE department run an annual ski trip to Italy, an annual water sports trip to France and arranges visits to exhibitions and museums and the opportunity for pupils to watch top level sport live. All pupils in years 7-10 take part in Sports Day which is staged in the final week of the academic year.
Impact: Physical Education plays a massive role in the lives of the young people at Archbishop Tenison’s School. The identity that each pupil has to their house and their commitment to doing their best for their house and the school during internal and external competitions is evident to see. As a positive consequence we have a high number of pupils wanting to take part in both recreational and competitive activities. The PE department has a long tradition of pupils achieving examination grades above the national average at both GCSE and A Level. Including the Sports Leadership qualification some 80% of pupils receive a qualification in Physical Education at the end of Year 11 and many of these go on to study A Level PE. Our A Level classes are filled with pupils that are driven to study in PE greater depth and many pupils go on to study Sports Science, Physiotherapy, Sports Rehabilitation and Sports Management at university. From year 7 to year 13 we are very proud of the attainment of our pupils in PE.
Physical Education
Keystage 3
Year 7
Safety principles when preparing for and recovering from physical activity
Prepare independently for exercise and physical activity, including preparing others and selecting and using relevant resources
Major muscle groups
Components of Fitness
Muscular endurance
Cardiovascular endurance
Technique fundamentals
Games (Football / Netball / Basketball / Rugby / Handball)
The rules and skills needed to keep possession in game
Fundamental movements
The rules and skills needed to perform in a game
Racquet Sports (Table Tennis, Badminton, Tennis)
The rules and skills needed to perform in a game
Making your opponent move
Year 8
Joints and Movements
Components of Fitness
Reaction time
Types of Training
The difference between Aerobic and Anaerobic Training.
Games (Football / Netball / Basketball / Rugby / Handball)
Outwitting opponents
Basic set plays
Methods of scoring
Producing an advantage
Refining movements
Introducing partner balances
Choreographing routines
Refine technique for Performance
Consistently and effectively apply key skills to a game situation.
Year 9
Principles of Training
Immediate and Long-Term Effects of Exercise
Importance of a balanced Diet and Nutrition
The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle including Obesity
Games (Football / Netball / Basketball / Handball / Rugby / Volleyball)
Advanced tactics and set plays
Problem solving/decision making
Individual techniques, skills and compositional ideas required for the full context of the activity
Individual tactics and strategies that are effective in the specific activities
Construct feedback in a positive way to allow performers to improve
Technique execution
Further refining of technique for performance
AQA – Physical Education GCSE
Examination (60%)
Paper 1: The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
Applied anatomy and physiology
Movement analysis
Physical training
Use of data
Paper 2: Socio-cultural influences and well-being in physical activity and sport
Sports psychology
Socio-cultural influences
Health, fitness and well-being
Use of data
Practical Performance (40%)
Practical Performance in 3 activities marked out of 25.
Performances are marked on skills in isolation and in a competitive context.
One activity must be a Team activity, one must be an Individual activity whilst the third can be either a Team or Individual activity.
Written coursework analysing personal strengths and weakness and suggesting how to improve.
Leaders UK – Sports Leaders Level 1 Award
Teacher Assessment (100%)
Pupils are assessed on their ability to plan, structure and deliver physical activity to primary school aged children.
Pupils complete a reflective booklet/log book
Pupils follow the following units
Unit 1 - Planning, preparing and assisting a simple sporting activity
Unit 2 - Basic communication skills for leading a sporting activity
Unit 3 - Principles and practice in delivering a basic health and fitness session
Unit 4 - Understanding fair play in sport
Unit 5 - Understanding the role of the sports official
Unit 6 - Understanding the scope of local sport and recreational activities
Unit 7 - Demonstration of leadership skills in sport
AQA Physical Education A Level
Examination (70%)
Two 2 hours exams on the following content
Applied anatomy and physiology.
Skill acquisition.
Sport and society.
Exercise physiology.
Biomechanical movement.
Sport psychology.
Sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport.
Practical Performance and Written/Verbal Analysis of Performance (30%)
Students assessed as a performer or coach in the full sided version of one activity.
Written/verbal analysis of performance.
Internal assessment, external moderation