Pupil Premium Funding
Publicly-funded schools in England get extra funding from the government to help them improve the attainment of their disadvantaged pupils.
Evidence shows that children from disadvantaged backgrounds:
generally face extra challenges in reaching their potential at school
often do not perform as well as their peers
The pupil premium grant is designed to allow schools to help disadvantaged pupils by improving their progress and the exam results they achieve.
Miss Lucie Phillips is currently responsible for PPG here at school.
Archbishop Tenison’s receives a Pupil Premium Grant for each child who is entitled to receive Free School Meals (or who has been entitled over the last six years) and for Looked After Children.
How the Pupil Premium Grant is spent
Archbishop Tenison’s High School has decided that this grant should be spent as follows:
Intervention programmes
One-to–One Tuition
Primarily (but not exclusively) for Years 7 & 8 these are literacy and/or numeracy programmes running for 6 or more weeks and designed to help pupils catch up in key areas
Social Skills and Mentoring programmes
Transition Room Support
Some pupils may need to be withdrawn from the normal school curriculum for part or whole of a week at certain stages of their educational career: Pupil Premium may be used to cover some of the extra costs this involves. Learning Resources
Primarily for pupils in Key Stage 4 there is a wide range of materials on which money may be spent:
Laptop/notebook computers and associated software
Stationery materials
Revision guides
Specialist equipment E.g. sporting equipment relating to the PE curriculum
Other Expenditure
Pupil Premium may be used to cover the costs of educational visits and other extra-curricular work, including instrumental lessons.