November 2022
Dear Parents and Carers,
Improving Access to Your Child’s Homework
One of the most positive effects on young people’s progress happens through the engagement of parents and carers in their child’s learning. For this reason, we have subscribed to the Satchel One learning platform to remove any previous barriers there may have been for parents and carers accessing and understanding what homework and independent study should be completed at home. We have spent some time exploring other homework related apps and are hopeful that by using the Satchel One learning platform you will feel more informed and involved in your child’s learning.
Practical Steps to Take
As from Monday, 21st November we will be using the Satchel One app to share homework tasks and associated information with you. Subject teachers will continue to set homework for pupils and students in the ‘Assignments’ area of MS Teams and this continues to be where pupils and students should look for homework tasks.
Please find attached unique code, which you will need to use to log in and set up the Satchel One app. Please ensure that you follow the instructions via the QR code below, which will support you through the process:
What You Will See Through the App
It is important that you are aware of the information you will see on the app and which parts staff will update and use. An example of the information screen that you will see for each piece of homework set in Teams Assignments is shown overleaf -
Possible Areas of Misunderstanding
There are three aspects of the information given above, that I would like to clarify.
1. The task submission status is controlled by the pupil or student, and it is possible for them, via Teams, to choose to click ‘submit’ when either no work has been submitted electronically or in an exercise book directly to the teacher. As a school, we request your support in ensuring that this is accurate from home.
2. In addition, since the school has resumed on-site provision, work can be submitted in a variety of formats. This mixed economy means that some subject teachers might request an online hand in only, or work to be handwritten and submitted in an exercise book. There is similarly a mixed economy in how grades and feedback are given; they might be given electronically in an exercise book or verbally and as a result, there will not necessarily be a grade in Satchel One in response to the work submitted.
3. Satchel One has many other features in addition to the homework viewing function. At this stage, we will only be using Satchel One to share homework tasks with you.
What Happens If You Lose Your Code?
If you lose your unique code, please contact your child’s Form Tutor, who will be able to re-share the code with you. Teachers will continue to verbally inform pupils and students during lessons when a homework task has been set, alongside completion dates and due dates. so if there is an access issues for MS Teams or Satchel One, there will be no excuse for not knowing what needs to be completed.
Support from Form Tutors
In addition to setting up the app we have been preparing Form Tutors to discuss what homework has been set, dates for completion and any potential concerns or questions that pupils and students may have about their homework. We are hoping these regular form time discussions will support your child in school. We would ask you also to have regular conversations about homework at home to support your child.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Gravett
Assistant Headteacher

Task title, subject, teacher and details regarding the date set and the date due
Submission status – this is controlled by the pupil.
Grade – should one be given via Teams.
Task description – identical to the description in Teams.
You will also be able to see if there are any task attachments or links.