Computer Science - Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact.
Intent: Computer Science is the fastest developing subject on the planet, and the applications of it permeate western society to a very large extent. The aim of the Computer Science department is to develop pupil’s concepts and skills so that they may choose Computer Science as an option or have sufficient skill to be support their examination subjects and make a start to their working life. We have a varied curriculum that allows us to develop and build on pupil’s skills and concepts learned through education and their everyday use of Computers.
At Key Stage 3, we begin year 7 with the foundations navigating a network, data being represented by numbers and the making things happen in both specialist software and office applications. Pupils learn to navigate network security and different ‘drives’, as well as learning user skills such as keyboard shortcuts; skills which are re-enforced throughout the curriculum. Pupils also study data representation, HTML and simple programming in the ‘Scratch’ language. In Year 8 we explore the topics of Databases, Networks, Data Representation and an introduction to programming in the widely used ‘Python’ language. In Year 9 pupils build on their use of different programs achieve different results, and look at technical topics such as how a Processor works.
A dual theme runs throughout GCSE course – understanding / doing the work, and how to write it down. Pupils are taken through the course’s technical topics and given phrases which shows exactly how they should be writing down the answers to their questions. Programming techniques are taught using the Python language. Pupils are given examination standard questions throughout their GCSE course in order to give the maximum possible practice. We aim to finish teaching the course content within the Autumn term of year 11 and to spend the Spring and start of the summer term completing the 20 hour NEA and revising during lesson time.
In A Level students start the course with advanced data representation and a programming as suits the needs of the group. They are taught Algorithms, Data Structures, Boolean logic and networking, all underpinned by the development of ‘Computational thinking’ and problem solving. We start doing examination questions from the first term with aim to develop the students writing skills. In year 13 pupils undertake a practical project to design and build a Computer system which fits into a context of their choice – this is worth 40% of their final grade.
Implementation: With an experienced part time and an experienced full time teacher, collaborative curriculum planning is undertaken on an ongoing basis to ensure that, within the parameters of the available technical provision, the curriculum is adapted to both a class’s needs / ability level.
Our curriculum is designed to teach our pupils essential skills, for these skills to be re-enforced and for the pupils to be able to make independent progress and facilitate projects which they may engage with outside school. In Key Stage 3, we have worked hard to ensure that a wide range of software, concepts and skills are explored through each year. We aim to provide a foundation of software skills which pupils can use in their GCSE subjects.
Our GCSE pupils and A Level students are given a clear understanding of the standards required by the exam board in their technical and written work. We aim for our pupils and students to understand exactly why they are doing what they are doing, and how to maximise the marks they attain.
Impact: Pupils and students leave the school having gained understanding of Computer Science and having developed technical and problem solving skills which will support further study and their first steps in the world of work. Successful GCSE Computer Scientists are able to continue the subject at A Level if they so choose, whilst making a positive contribution to the school’s Progress 8 score. Computer Science ‘A Level’ students should be well placed to study for a degree in the subject, or to study logical / technical subjects in higher education. A level Computer Science students attained 100% A-C in summer 2019, with 50% of practical projects graded at A*.
Keystage 3
Year 7
Intro & Basics – Introduction to Computer Science and navigating the school network
Data Representation – understanding the binary number system used by computers
Central Processing Unit and Input / Output devices – the basics of how a Central Processing Unit works, along with different Input / Output devices
Internet – understanding the internet, the World Wide Web and web pages, leading on to the basics of a Network
Python Programming – students are introduced to the fundamental programming constructs of variables, sequence, selection and iteration in the Python programming language
Algorithms and Python Turtle - the fundamental programming constructs of variables, sequence, selection and iteration are re-enforced using the Python ‘Turtle’
Famous Computer Scientists – students learn about significant individuals within Computing, their inventions, and impact on society
Scratch - students use the fundamental programming constructs of variables, sequence, selection and iteration in the ‘Scratch’ programming language
Year 8 (taught as part of a carousel)
Python Programming – re-enforcing foundational concepts: Variables, Sequence, Selection, Iteration; working with functions; creating Mini Programs
Web Development with HTML, CSS and JavaScript - looking at foundational web design concepts, front end web design with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap along with basic programming in JavaScript.
Year 9
Python Programming – students use the fundamental programming constructs of variables, sequence, selection and iteration to complete a mini-program (Covid Tracker)
Data Representation – understanding and working with the binary number system used by computers
JavaScript – Introduction to the programming constructs of variables, sequence, selection and iteration in the JavaScript Programming language
Web Design – Introduction to Web Design using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap using an IDE
Boolean Logic – Introduction to the logic used within computer design and construction which is used in programming and computation
Machine Learning – introduction to machine learning
GCSE Introduction – students who choose GCSE Computing as an option will start studying Data Representation and Programming
OCR Computer Science GCSE
Computer Systems (50%)
Pupils study a variety of technical topics including processors, memory, storage, networking, security, algorithms and the legal, ethical and cultural aspects of Computer Science.
Assessment is via one 90-minute written paper at the end of the course.
Computational thinking, algorithms and programming (50%)
Pupils study data representation, computational logic, programming techniques and computational thinking which teaches them to express real world problems Algorithms which a Computer can execute.
Assessment is via one 90-minute written paper at the end of the course.
Programming Project
Pupils complete a programming project which solves one of a number of different scenarios created by the exam board.
This project is marked internally on a pass / fail basis.
Students must pass this aspect of the course in order to be awarded a final grade.
OCR A Level Computer Science
Computer Systems (40%)
Pupils study a number of technical and programming topics such processors, memory, storage, networking, security, generational programming languages, object-oriented programming, scripting languages such as HTML / CSS / Javascript, algorithms, and the legal, ethical and cultural aspects of Computer Science.
Assessment is via one 2-hour, 30 minute written paper at the end of the course.
Algorithms and programming (40%)
Pupils study computational thinking and programming techniques, which teaches them to express real world problems in terms of Algorithms which represent reality and which a Computer can execute.
Assessment is via one 2-hour, 30 minute written paper at the end of the course.
Programming project (20%)
The programming project is one of the most enjoyable aspects of the A Level course, with many pupils scoring very high marks! Through discussion with their teacher, students will choose a computing problem to work through in the following stages:-
Analysis of the problem
Design of the solution
Developing the solution
The project is assessed through the submission of the written report to the exam board.